Saturday, December 10, 2016

Unprecedented epiphanies

Rambling on frozen trail with loosely pre-set destiny has led the rambler to mystifying dreamland. Akin to the aforementioned phrase, every comrade relentlessly chases the unseen path of love and relationship for lovers being madly attacked by repelling time. But moving along onto such path is seldom tricky as it demands great deal of vigilance and sensitiveness. However, for those who had enough crushes simply utter not to befall in such psychotic trail which they eternally fail to withstand the oncoming blizzard. One shan’t put the pretentious mask in exhibiting hideous actions to coax others. Dramatization with such act brings unexpected yet brutal consequences aftermath in reality. Nowadays, sustaining married life is like constellation of daytime star which is rare to see.
It is so uncommon since colleen and lad nowadays are deeply fantasized by the mirage of love and romance. At end, mainly due to theistic and unilateral love, one terribly suffers its vengeance. From other perspective, love and affection should be equally treated and must be dispensed to all beings with utmost equity. Nevertheless, such phrase sounds too philosophical for which folks nowadays become heedless towards such words. Love if not taken care or if one loses its hidden taste during youthening stage, thereupon it brings devastating disasters to mankind that eventually down trod every possible path.
Owing to such reason, there are countless matrimonial cases piled up in the court and paramount cash spent as alimony and final compensation. When life itself is chewy to sustain, people innocently add its sticky spices like silkworm webbing its web whereby they get adhered to its web and land up dying. In contrast, there are few couples who painstakingly live happily and it so happen because both sails with the current of their common strengths and weaknesses.

P.S: Solemnifying my somberness.
