Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Letter to my friend (Anti-hypocritical praise)

Idly congregrated to profound learning institute and became known to eachother while sailing the professional journey. Three jewels is what you never forget to supplicate and always remain in solitary. Amidst your journey, you inspired many oncoming folks as you are the unmistaken paragon of love and kindness.
Education, power, wealth, status, name, fame and ties was total disgrace to your forset path. Perhaps, family hooked your dream many times but now you resolute to keep moving towards your eternal dream. Dream to dwell on truth ensuing further as it has got holistic benifits to propel beings from unavoidable pain. May your ameteur practices yet not sufficed to find hidden truth become real one day.

My relentless chase after you may aid me unearth my intoxicants somehow. 


In a sudden strangerness,
it becomes an exotic moment
heaped with loads of assignments.
Seldomly mystified of having sketchy ideas
and tensed when deadline approaches nearer.

After bloated with the input,
assignments begins with reckless plagirism
when recieving back with terrible remarks,
ultimately blame tutor for the injustice act.

Group work transforms to individual task
Where individual task modifies to buddied task.
When mates waits for their crew members,
few reluctantly appears for duscussion.

Individual task gets prioritized
While group work goes on procastinating.
When few students show good progress,
Others engrossed facebooking.

At end, many suffer from insomnia
and insanely submit the packages.
Bitterness of unrequited love (Memoir)

Love is not merely fitting a jig-saw puzzle rather it demands gummy attraction from both partners.
An angelic damsel with unexposed experiences of love crept into the college. Her college days seem to be serene and joyous as she seldom dwell with world of loneliness but in reality she is a girl of words, witty and outspoken. Bouncing with her comrades was momentous event and she relentlessly chased her mundane life ravishing others. An unexpected wind blew with unidirectional force loaded with fortune and thence candy day befell on her to fall into love. It was though love in disguise for her. Two loving birds commenced to remain connected all time via various means. Young lovers sown the seed of love and there they romanticized every possible moments. Even trees whispered, wind murmured and birds whizzed about their happy days.
Time tickled very quickly and their faith and trust never vanished until the inhalation of demonic air in his conscience. His negligence was her worry and recklessly their fate torn apart. Their connections gradually distanced and so do their whereabouts. Since then her world became totally dark obscured by the cloud of misfortune and evil spirit. She became remorseful for her immature act and carved for unrequited love to patch again in every probable way. Heartbroken, mind fully lost and soul tinted with the tinge of deceived love. No favorable scaffoldings from her friends helped to rekindle her chronic turmoil for her mind being conquered by his double faced act.
Love can neither be financially insured nor does it possess elastic nature instead conversely bless with the scars of unhealable infection.  Love’s tapestry is incomprehensible but the pain towards end deserts one’s consciousness which takes prolonged period to exorcise the bipolar bitterness.

P.S: Memoir in the name of my friend
Last Panama

Akin to buzzing bees, me and my dad were engaged in pespiring chores. With great perseverance, earning little bread for one's sustainance was never an easy task. With prolonged period of education, my dad still hollers at me for me exhibiting uneducated behaviours. I was perspicacious enough to comprehend his words.

One fine day, he said, "boy can you see those tall, slender and greeny bamboo shoots bending?" I simply nodded. He reiteriated, "Why do you think so?" I was in dilema with brain half empty. I could not respond neither did i get his actual say. There was not any relational connection taking place in my thought process.
Later he said, "with education you must bow or get bent like those bamboo shoots. Regardless of your status, power and wealth, your physical growth must synchronize with mental growth".

I remained in little amusement because of his uncrumpable yet inspiring words.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Time bandit (Race against the time)

Since beginningless time, lethargic move that i exhibit alwsys detered in completing any task. I would follow snail speed without any worry regardless of the rate of urgency. Upon thorough contemplation, going along with the time for chores not only ease other's schedule but the normalcy for onself bounce back. Further, at an outset, humans are meant to battle with set time frame, conversely with rapid modernizational activities, folks have become less worrisome for the technologies being an agent of total annihilation of life. Individuals utterly mourn about their busy schedule but realistically, genuine case is being capped by lame excuses which is mostly taken as granted.
Time akin to the melting ice. Icy is its taxonomical feature which culminates with rigorous vibrancy but lacks resiliency. If not catered well, whole life will be ruined and run into astray.

P.S: personal reflection

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Song of sobierity

Bitterness of unrequited love (Memoir)

Love is not merely fitting a jig-saw puzzle rather it demands gummy attraction from both partners.
An angelic damsel with unexposed experiences of love crept into the college. Her college days seem to be serene and joyous as she seldom dwell with world of loneliness but in reality she is a girl of words, witty and outspoken. Bouncing with her comrades was momentous event and she relentlessly chased her mundane life ravishing others. An unexpected wind blew with unidirectional force loaded with fortune and thence candy day befell on her to fall into love. It was though love in disguise for her. Two loving birds commenced to remain connected all time via various means. Young lovers sown the seed of love and there they romanticized every possible moments. Even trees whispered, wind murmured and birds whizzed about their happy days.
Time tickled very quickly and their faith and trust never vanished until the inhalation of demonic air in his conscience. His negligence was her worry and recklessly their fate torn apart. Their connections gradually distanced and so do their whereabouts. Since then her world became totally dark obscured by the cloud of misfortune and evil spirit. She became remorseful for her immature act and carved for unrequited love to patch again in every probable way. Heartbroken, mind fully lost and soul tinted with the tinge of deceived love. No favorable scaffoldings from her friends helped to rekindle her chronic turmoil for her mind being conquered by his double faced act.
Love can neither be financially insured nor does it possess elastic nature instead conversely bless with the scars of unhealable infection.  Love’s tapestry is incomprehensible but the pain towards end deserts one’s consciousness which takes prolonged period to exorcise the bipolar bitterness.

P.S: Memoir in the name of my friend
