Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Last Panama

Akin to buzzing bees, me and my dad were engaged in pespiring chores. With great perseverance, earning little bread for one's sustainance was never an easy task. With prolonged period of education, my dad still hollers at me for me exhibiting uneducated behaviours. I was perspicacious enough to comprehend his words.

One fine day, he said, "boy can you see those tall, slender and greeny bamboo shoots bending?" I simply nodded. He reiteriated, "Why do you think so?" I was in dilema with brain half empty. I could not respond neither did i get his actual say. There was not any relational connection taking place in my thought process.
Later he said, "with education you must bow or get bent like those bamboo shoots. Regardless of your status, power and wealth, your physical growth must synchronize with mental growth".

I remained in little amusement because of his uncrumpable yet inspiring words.

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